Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Miss India Bikini

Strangely enough I wrote the below just before going to India in early March 2020. I was in two minds about publish it because I didn't think the snaps were good enough. Now the whole paradigm has shifted so what the hell.

I first met Nik in 2014 when we shot in a hotel in Colaba, Mumbai. I mentioned I was on my way to Goa and she said 'I come visit you, I need photo'.  She'd not long previously given up working full time to pursue a dream of becoming a model in spite of only being 4'10". To counter balance the height disadvantage however, she had one of the most superb racks I've ever seen. This and her willingness to shed her clothes and test for Playboy had got her a following of about 400,000 on FaceBook at that time. It's now 2.5 million.

Anyway, Nikki turned up in Goa and stayed a week. We shot pretty much every day in-between her eating more than someone that size should be able to. We produced images for her social media accounts, images for various websites, images for her sponsors, portraits, fashion, swimwear, lingerie and nudes.

After that I found myself shooting with her every few months. She saw a waterfall I'd shot for a homestay 'where's that?' she asked. 'In the middle of a tiger reserve, two miles from the nearest road and only accessible by paddling the last two hundred meters upstream' I replied. 'Ok, we shoot there'.

I haven't had a proper shoot with Nikki for about three years, but she and her husband come and stay when they're in the UK. Here are a few of the more modest snaps I've taken of her over the years with a D700 or D800e and various lenses.

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