Friday, 31 January 2020

Entering Awards.....

This year I didn't enter the World Photography Awards, purely because of incompetence and dithering. I've never won anything (though they used one of my images to promote the inaugural contest) but it's free to enter and to someone with a limited to non existent awards budget it's a bit of a choker to not take advantage of something free. So I'm stuck with paying contests which this year will be IPA (expensive) Communication Arts (more expensive) and LensCulture (less expensive and less prestigious).

Most of the competitions these days are looking for 'a body of work', or a series of related or thematically similar images. A decade ago this generally meant three images, but these days can be anything up to 50 (Magnum portfolio prize) but is generally 5-10 images. This puts me in a dilemma. I usually have around three or four photos that I'm ok with across everything I shoot in a year, so my chances of pulling 5-10 images out of my butt in time for awards deadlines is pretty minimal. Hence no entry to Sony World.

Anyway, here's some of what I might have entered and a couple that I might still enter in the remaining contests. I'm stylistically so far away from the current concept of cool, it might just be a huge waste of drinking vouchers.

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