Friday, 10 January 2020

Bottle Alley, Hastings.

I'm rather fond of Hastings - it's like Brighton's scruffier, less refined younger brother. It's also home to some of the creations of Sidney Little, the engineer also known as The Concrete King and arguably the grandfather of the Brutalist architectural movement - one of my least favourite offshoots of modernism. Little built a lot of stuff using reinforced concrete, and the promenade that runs from St Leonards to Hastings was one of them. It's far from elegant, but after 90 years exposed to the elements it has a functional if shabby simplicity.

Because of the shape of the alley I decided to use a panoramic format, although I shot in a 2/3 format, I knew that the images would be cropped 2/1 and shot accordingly.

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