Thursday, 19 December 2019

More portraits....

The result of the general election last week pretty much destroyed any remaining faith I had in humanity. I wonder if that'll be reflected in my future portraits. I hope not.

Anyway, I ended up shooting quite a few corporate portraits this past year. I generally enjoy the process, but there's rarely a lot of shooting time so pre production is important, as is quickly establishing some kind of rapport with the subject. The rapport bit can be tricky with some of the C-suite dudes, so I occasionally resort to executive jokes: Q. How many McKinsey consultants does it take to change a light bulb? A. It doesn't matter, you'll still have to down size and relocate.

Enough of the humour. Here are a few snaps. Pretty much all taken on a Nikon D800e and various lenses. Four on the end are a bit weird but it was strictly to brief for a Dutch design agency.

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